11/11/24 Hernnhut, Germany
After a morning of silence and contemplation at our Airbnb during our retreat, we gathered online with our members in Singapore. Everyone had reviewed what God had told the...
21 September 2024
What was supposed to be a simple cataract surgery turned into a 10-week ordeal due to a careless surgeon. But I know in my heart that God had allowed it for good. It led me to slow ...
13 September 2024
Leslie Fong, a former news editor in Singapore penned this:
“I just learned a new word after reading a long article about how the US is waging economic war against China. And I can...
September 2024
The year 2024 is notable for the large number of elections being held worldwide: more than 100 countries from around the world, home to nearly half of the global population, will vote,...
June 12, 2024
During my morning’s devotional, V tells me I am counting down to this transitory path of sorrow soon, from the preparatory stage to the offensive. Then we will be ready to wage war in t...
30 May 2024
Have been seeing the number 111 recently. This morning, after two hours of exercise classes, I was exhausted and weak. Dragging my aching feet and body to my car which was parked quite fa...
I heard V said this morning:
Time is running out.
Prepare to get into your designated positions.
I noted that the 50th G7 summit is coming in two weeks: of 8 nations instead of 7.
V ...
29 May 2024
This morning I was stunned to read this in the Revised Standard version of the Bible:
“When the Most High apportioned the nations, when he divided humankind, he fixed the boundaries of t...
June 2024
During our trip to China last month, one of the wealth stewards shared this Chinese idiom with me:
兵马未动 ,粮草先行!
Before the troops move, fodder and provisions go first;
May 2024
It’s been more than a year to unload and de-clutter and to simplify and consolidate – of assets, resources, commitments and responsibilities. It was much more difficult than I had anticipate...
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