25 October 2019
The coming year of 2020 is not looking very good with the ‘D’s in 2 Timothy 3 so far. But something triggered a memory when I read verses 14-15 today:
“You, however, continue in the ...
13 January 2020
A week ago, Daniyel sends me a YouTube report of a mystery illness outbreak in Wuhan, China. That triggered great concern as we remember the deadly SARS outbreak from November 2002 to...
18 December 2020
I saw an interesting headline on BBC news:
“Coronavirus: UK R number back above one.”
I was curious about what is this “R” number.
Extracts of the report:
The UK's R - or ...
15 September, 2019
Studying the book of Timothy in the Bible, I wrote in my journal:
“But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to decei...
November 18, 2020
Ramblings from my journal:
44 days to the end of this “D” year….
Death, disease, disruption, distress caused by delays, distraction, disbelief, demonic activity (compared to p...
25 October 2019
I had to make two major decisions in this busy and stressful month.
First, whether to terminate the services of a consultant who was missing deadline...
23 Oct 2019
On 23 October, 2019 I spent hours worshipping with just this song “Defender” and I drew as I worshipped. As I reviewed the drawing, I saw them – the hidden enemies.
In the drawing, I h...
May 26, 2020
As life on earth is disrupted by the pandemic, God is also stirring and disrupting the hearts of Man –
To humble himself,
to seek His face
and pray.
Away from noise,
the clamour ...
26 December 2019
I went to look up what a 20/20 vision meant as I recalled in 2010, that 20/10 vision meant perfect vision, seeing twice as far, which was an important asset at that point.
To my sur...
October 2019
Some years ago, a team of intercessors assembled to deal with the spirit of suicide at the Bedok Reservoir, which notoriously became the number 1 spot for people to drown themselves. As ...
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