August 2019
Most of you would have known, besides suddenly pulling out of APEC trade agreement in 2017 which was due to be signed after many years of negotiations between 21 member countries, Preside...
21 December 2020
The Lord said to me:
“The year 2020 ends for you on Dec 21, 2020.”
Honestly, when God said that 2020 is a year I cannot see or plan beyond the immediate present, I totally get it n...
10.30 am, 1 February 2021 Monday Morning Worship
KK: I saw heaven’s gates opened when I started worshipping.
Sara: I noticed his little prayer mat glow. Golden glow. Different from all our mats.
12 Feb 2021
On this day we welcome the Lunar New Year of the Golden Ox and someone pointed out that the date is a palindrome: a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards.
9 November 2020
During our worship meeting, Yanli saw an image of: “ …………………….” and the word “Processing.” She added, “When Sara got up, the “…………………..…” stopped. Finished its download.”
I knew imme...
21 October 2020
Quiet time conversations:
V: “Things are going to get Doubly Difficult (DD).”
Then He led me to read Acts 1:7-8:
“It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set...
13 January 2020
Woken late in the night with these words:
“About that the ring of fire... it is the glimmer of hope in times of darkness.”
Thank you, Lord, for this assurance.
But I do wonder h...
2 December 2019
I received a newsletter post from Linda P. Jones Ministries titled: Keys for Successful Transitioning, Know the Constraints of your Possession.”
The word “transitioning” brought back...
11 November 2020
Saw these numbers in doubles:
11 11 20 20 22 22 44 44
And drew:
It is the Chinese word for “well”: 井
Feeling stuck in the middle of a d...
October 16 2020
V: “What did you discover at the retreat?”
Sigh… I managed to sleep only about 5 to 6 hours a day, not my targeted 7 to 8. But they are good, deep sleep. Tired still, but I do feel c...
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