2025: Year of Exponentiation


11/11/24 Hernnhut, Germany

After a morning of silence and contemplation at our Airbnb during our retreat, we gathered online with our members in Singapore. Everyone had reviewed what God had told them last year about 2024 and took stock of how it has been for them. We also shared what God has shown each of us for the coming year.

HC and Florence shared separately that they have been seeing doubles - double numbers, double pictures or things in symmetry for several months now. Florence wondered whether it means a twin or double anointing, which we thought is essential for such dangerous times we are in; that we need to dig our heels in and pray doubly hard for the safety of our country and our loved ones.


Exponentiation, Not Double

Kelly suddenly exclaimed - it is not double it is 立方数 (Chinese “li fang shu”)!

Gesticulating excitedly with her fingers, she tried to explain it in English, “It is like the number two to the small two is four, and three to the small two is nine, not six.

“Ah,” I said: “It is the square. In geometry. Two to the power of two is four which produces the same result as 2 x 2. But if it is to the power of a number above two, e.g. 4 to the power of 4, will be 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256! it will be exponential. Imagine 2025 to the power of 2025 – it will be unto infinity!”

Kelly continued: “The power of 2 to the number of 2 is 4, which is the square again, like the Chinese word””, which is the mouth.”

Ah, the mouth again. When does this end, I wondered.  
God has been talking about it to us for years!

I tried to look up the geometric word of “Exponentiation” and found this in Wikipedia:  
“In mathematics, exponentiation is an operation involving two numbers: the base and the exponent or power. Exponentiation is written as bn, where b is the base and n is the power; often said as "b to the power n”. (emphasis mine)

And V said to me: 
“2025 is the Year of Exponentiation”

Quite a mouthful, right? 
All of us had a good laugh as we had a hard time trying to pronounce it.


A Year of Infinite Possibilities and Experiences

I thought – it is like our personal and broken journey in COBS, we build a strong base of faith, firmly planted in our relationship with God and on the word of God. And the Holy Spirit multiplies it to the power of “n”, to infinite possibilities and experiences.

I felt that this might be something to do with our next generation too. The word “legacy” has been appearing to me over and over. And on this trip, I encouraged Florence and Louis to consider telling their amazing life story on the website, as a legacy for their children and future grandchildren and so on.

There is a good Chinese word for it: 交棒 “Passing on the baton” – the race we have run for the Lord provides the base, the foundation of faith, and then we hand the baton over to the successors when we finish our race and slow to a stop.

This website provides an “n” factor, for it will continue to tell our stories long after we are gone, documenting how we live our normal Christian life with God; how He carefully and meticulously cares for everything in our minute life.

And of course, the ultimate “n” power is from the Holy Spirit. With that “n”, I cannot wait to see how far and how high our successors will go.


A Year of Superlative Multiplication and Increase

Whatever it is, the word means to me that we will see superlative multiplication and increase in 2025, good or bad, I do not know.

As a numbers person and an investor, this is thrilling. For an investment to double in a year is already fantastic, but to go exponential would mean an investment of $100would become $10,000, $1000would be $1,000,000 and $100,000would be $10 trillion!

Quite mind blowing right? I am sure there is lots more to hear from God but we put all of these aside as we have another important place to visit after this retreat - in England...



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