Our Ever-Present

30 May 2024

Have been seeing the number 111 recently. This morning, after two hours of exercise classes, I was exhausted and weak. Dragging my aching feet and body to my car which was parked quite far away, I saw a really tough looking car.


The License plate 111 caught my attention!

Then I heard V tell me:  
加油 jiayou! 
(Chinese words: “Add oil”, meaning “press on, don’t give up!”)

Yes Lord, thank you for the encouragement. 
I will train my arms and body to be fit for battle.  
To be mean and tough like the car.  
I will press on ☺


111 from the Caretakers

In the car, I checked my phone messages and saw that PC has posted pictures on the caretakers group chat.


She was attending a course that morning and thought there were lots of interesting shapes and signs at the venue.

There are many 111 and 1111, I replied.

I saw angels on the walls and ceilings too. Do you see them? Near the ceiling. I then sent to Florence and PC, the picture of the tough looking car with the “111” licence plate I had just taken and shared what V told me.

I asked PC where she had taken those photos and she said it’s at the Singapore Design Centre. Upon checking, it used to be the St Anthony Convent, which was conserved and converted. Ah, no wonder there are angels carved inside.

PC then texts me: 
“The address is 111 Middle Road.”

Florence sends a text that she’s been seeing “111” recently too. She has the habit of recording numbers and dates on her mobile phone when her spirit quickens. And had tapped in the last entry just before PC and I texted.


Isn’t that cute? How God confirms the message He wants to send.


Our Refuge, Our Strength and Our Fortress

I asked them if they remember what 111 is? I wrote about it some time ago it in this post:  

And here is an extract from that post:

V then says to me: 
“Visualise the 111 – in times of danger or trouble, God is your Refuge, Your Strength, Your Fortress. He is with you. You shall have nothing to fear.”

Thank you, Lord, for showing the caretakers and myself that You are right here with us, our ever-present help, our refuge, our strength and our fortress. Indeed, we shall have nothing to be afraid about.


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