

Aug 12, 2024




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What Shall the Righteous Do (9): Get Ready to Fast and Pray

Aug 05, 2024

7 June 2024

Remember the picture of the evil doors that Jing Jing shared where there was a key? 
Let me extract from the post here:


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What Shall the Righteous Do (8): Are you “Artios” Yet?

Jul 29, 2024

5 June 2024

Continuing with the write-up on the dumb elephant on 22 December 2022, extracted from this post

A Dire Message...

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What Shall the Righteous Do (7): Be a Blessing

Jul 22, 2024

5 June 2024

Extracted from this post on 22 December, 2022, after we returned from our retreat in Northern Thailand.

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What Shall the Righteous Do (6): Abide and Trust

Jul 15, 2024

5 June 2024

In the last post I wrote about what two members shared about the mouth – a whirlpool trap and a very diabolical image of many mouths. Incidentally, Kelly also shared her insight...

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What Shall the Righteous Do (5): A War of Words

Jul 08, 2024

5 June 2024

Continuing with this series, I go back to the post on Nov 12, 2022 and extract what some of the members saw and shared:


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What Shall the Righteous Do (4): Warning About the Mouth

Jul 01, 2024

31 May 2024

In the last post, I was sharing about the treasure chest I saw Jesus dug up for us on 10 Nov 2018. And quoted it In the post on 31 Dec 2019, where I shared a warning from God about our...

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What Shall the Righteous Do (3): That 7-Year Anointing

Jun 24, 2024

31 May 2024

In a post on 31 Dec 2019, I shared about a treasure chest the Lord has dug up for us.

… on 10...

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What Shall the Righteous Do (2): Will there be a World War?

Jun 17, 2024

31 May 2024

In the post on 11 Nov 2022, I shared a warning about the coming of a Mother of All Wars:


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Introduction (1): What Shall the Righteous Do?

Jun 11, 2024

29 May 2024

Recovering from a long and weary trip in China to bring the newly installed caretakers from Singapore and Switzerland on a tour of duty, I found myself surprisingly alert and energised....

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