
A New 15-Year Season: The Elevation (Part 5, Final)

Mar 12, 2024

15 January 2024

In the previous post, I was wary and concerned about the troubled and difficult world that my adult children have to grapple with in the years to come. But when V showed me the...

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A New 15-Year Season: The Shift (Part 4)

Mar 05, 2024

MMM 8 January 2024

In the last post, I showed the picture of the shifting “doors” taken in December and felt that it was a sign of a coming shift or change.

I heard V confirm it in...

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A New 15-Year Season: The Passage (Part 3)

Feb 27, 2024

MMM 8 January 2024

At the end of our worship, I started to show those present what I saw and drew. It brought back so many happy and exciting memories for Joanna and Sharon, who have gone on this...

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A New 15-Year Season: Revival (Part 2)

Feb 20, 2024

MMM 8 January 2024

After I got up from my prostate position of worship, I thought:

The first 15 years: 11/11/2008 to 11/11/2023

3 x 5: Three V’s (Triple Grace)

Grace upon Grace upon Grace


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A New 15-Year Season (Part 1)

Feb 13, 2024

MMM 8 January 2024

I am so happy to re-join the MMM (Monday Morning Meetings) after a one-year God-imposed hiatus. I cannot begin to describe how happy and good I felt to start the week worshipping...

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