Hidden Away

15 September 2024

Looking back now, I realise that in the past 15 months, God has hidden me in dark places to preserve my sanity and to do His work “undercover”. And where did He hide me? In what Christians would consider the world - the world of Mammon!

I cannot blame them for thinking so. It probably was very misleading on my social media accounts. It looked like I was enjoying life to the max, travelling and enjoying material comforts with my worldly friends, who incidentally were the best therapy for me.

Only God would have known.

My “worldly” non-Christian friends turn out to be the most caring of all. Mostly retired, they were there for me in my hour of need. Empathetic and concerned – they have provided counsel, comfort and laughter when I was down; when my eye surgery went awry, when I was mentally exhausted and emotionally drained. It is ironic that those I have helped and been there for them most turned out to be otherwise.

Also, there is no place I love more in those times than on the plane. ☺

It is where I am transported to the heavenlies the moment I plug my noise cancelling earbuds and worship God for as long as my Spotify playlists goes, and catch up on much needed sleep. During meal breaks, I get to enjoy the luxury of reading whatever God has asked me to bring on board. And then chat with God and record stuff in my journal or on my phone.


Breakthrough At Last?

This morning, I saw a beautiful bloom in my patio and I sent it to the community in Singapore and Switzerland.

I had bought them since the Chinese New Year in January.  
The blooms have shed and I have never tended to them.

And then I suddenly recalled.  
Oh yes, there were other blooms too!  
A quick check on my phone – on 27 August!


V said: Remember the birds too?

Oh yes! The laughing thrushes.  
My husband was just saying this morning a whole bunch of them now come to our little patio every day!

Elated, I quickly texted the members: 
Another bloom. Writing for the website I realize how dark and heavy the past two years have been. Now the birds that gather at my house every morning and now the many blooms - are like God saying, it’s over. The seeds planted in the dark have finally come out to see the light.😌 and the birds have come singing and laughing at the days to come. My friend who’s a qualified bird watcher says they are the white crested laughing thrush白冠噪鹛. [Chinese: white crown thrushes]. My crown 😄”


The Good Fight 
V: remember the verse for 2024?

Yes, 1 Timothy 6:12  
Fight the good fight of the faith 
Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called  
when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

And this year? 
Yes, it is the Year of Jubilation. 
A feeling of great happiness and pleasure, because of success.

Oh wow, thank you Lord!  
It certainly has been a good fight. Hard fought, but worth it.  
And in your perfect timing, before we go to Herrnhut.  

The next series of posts have been long overdue - of ramblings, thoughts and notes jotted down during those long dark days of being hidden and buried in the dirt from 2023. Perhaps you felt it too. And hopefully this post serves to encourage you.

The time has come or is coming when God will take you out of that darkness too.  
After which, like us, you can welcome the light and bask in the warmth of His great love.

For His Delight. 
And for His Glory.


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