28 January 2022
The second episode will bring you on a history lesson of the church and how it has evolved over the years from the Israelites building a Tabernacle to King Solomon building a magnific...
August 22, 2021
Since April last year, I have worked hard to try to put together the team’s report of their warfare against the first wave of the Covid19 pandemic in Singapore. God had told me to de...
21 January 2022
Today's content is the beginning of the fourth season of our podcast.
It is a story about Sara Tay, the founder of the Broken Spirit community and how God called her and her family t...
Sat Evening, 30/5/20, Day 54 of Circuit Breaker
I came down suddenly with a severe bout of food poisoning. My stomach churned and rumbled in pain in tandem with the sounds of the rumbling of the ski...
14 January 2022
不但高正和他一家人都得救了, 而且上帝還供應了高正一家人的需求.
認識的耶穌成為幸運的人, 親愛的朋友您也想要成為這樣幸運的人嗎?
30/5, Sat, Day 54 of Circuit Breaker
We rejoiced on 29/5 when reports of the previous day’s infections dropped to below 400 a day, with no infections in the local community, first time since 23 Feb. ...
7 January 2022
两个日出 | 他們到山上去看日出的時候
聖靈奇妙地引導他們看了兩個日出. 他們同時也學了一個很重要的功課
那就是凡事要祷告跟随圣灵。一步一步的聆听圣灵的带领,要谦卑等候上帝的时间,不要用自己的想法或是理论,才能更多的认识上帝, 发现祂是真神。
聽完今天的內容之後您的感受如何 ? 如果您觉的...
28 August 2021
28/5/2020, Thur, Day 52 of Circuit Breaker
After the spectacular display of God’s mighty power the previous day, we held a debrief meeting from 3.15 pm to 6.30 pm. We were in awe of w...
31 December 2021
天开了 | 三个女子 體驗到了什麼叫做冰雪消融, 日月同辉. 一个大阴天, 云那么厚。经验告诉我们不可能、知识告诉我们不可能,但是圣灵,却告诉我们天会开!天就真的开了!云就真的散了! 現在就讓我們聽聽這一段不可思議的經歷.
聽完今天的內容之後您的感受如何 ? 如果您觉的这一集引起了您的共鸣,或者您想分享您的故事,请在 Appl...
28 AUGUST 2021
26/5/2020, Day 50 of Circuit Breaker
At 6.32 pm, God says he is going to send his lightning rod of discipline to uproot those trees where the evil spirits are nesting.
At 11.30 pm, I...
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