November 11, 2022
While the rest went off on a day tour in the mountains of Pai, I enjoy me-time with the Lord. We are on our annual year-end re...
Part 1: God’s call into the Wellness business
We all know what we need to do to stay healthy:
Part 2: Lesson from the Four Flat Tyres
I shared about my four punctured tyres at our meeting.
Asha from China blurted out a Chinese proverb: “四平八稳”.
Translation/explanation: “Four equal, flat or...
Part 1: Love Yourself First
There was a period of time in which I was very involved in my Church – running three cell groups, getting involved in outreach after outreach, attending several meetings a...
The family is God’s grandest idea. It was somehow not enough to have created the sun, the moon, land, mountains, rivers, plants, flowers, animals, forests, birds and fishes, so He went on to create ma...
2015 to 2019
I hope you have enjoyed listening to the podcast “Bringing Up Sara” which we posted a couple of months ago – which is the first part of the Book of Sara.
This second part, “Things My F...
29 November 2022
今天,我将对这个关于 "聆听上帝的声音 "的播客进行总结,谈论五种 屬靈的感官--触觉、嗅觉、视觉、听觉和味觉。其中涉及五个器官:皮肤、鼻子、眼睛、耳朵和嘴巴。
如果您可以在 哔哩哔哩bilibili 或者是在Apple Podcast給我們點讚支持或者寫一些回饋讓我們知道,我們真的會很感激.
29 November 2022
Today, I will wrap up this podcast on “Hearing the Voice of God” talking about the five spiritual senses - the sense of touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste. Which involves the fiv...
22 November 2022
到目前為止我希望你喜欢我分享關於我如何学会聆听上帝的声音。今天的播客 內容是对我 個人非常重要 的記載。这是有關 我写日记 的習慣.
如果您可以在 哔哩哔哩bilibili 或者是在Apple Podcast給我們點讚支持或者寫一些回饋讓我們知道,我們真的會很感激.
感謝您的聆聽我們下一 季見
22 November 2022
I hope you have enjoyed my sharing so far on how I learned to hear the Voice of God. Today’s podcast is something very personal and very important to me. It’s about journaling, writi...
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