What Shall the Righteous Do (8): Are you “Artios” Yet?

5 June 2024

Continuing with the write-up on the dumb elephant on 22 December 2022, extracted from this post https://www.communityofbrokenspirit.org/blog/2023-don-t-be-a-dumb-elephant

A Dire Message For the Rest of Us 
I feel God is sending out the same message to His people “Do not be a dumb elephant." 
The days and years to come are going to be very dangerous. This is not a time to be living with heads in the clouds nor to think you are going to walk on water. It is time to hunker down, work hard, cut down consumption of Mammon’s delights, cut back on spending, save up, store up and then pray really hard for wisdom and guidance. 

Let me reiterate what V said in the last few posts, 
“The outcome of the coming Mother of All Wars rests with the war over the mouth.” i.e. our words and our consumption.

Have you been that dumb elephant? 
I hope not. 

For more than a decade now, we have been warned that the evil spirits of Mammon (love of money) and Babylon (seduction and hedonism) are increasing in power in the world. Over the years, we see it with our own eyes – the level of self-abandonment and the loss of respect for moral laws and justice, from people and homes, to the halls of high office and power. 

Scamming became one of the most profitable businesses, whilst young and old got sucked into projects and investments that promised easy success and instant gratification, only to find themselves falling into a deep dark hole of no return. 

I also witness many Christians and Christian organisations encounter mental and physical breakdown due to financial hardship. Disregarding sound advice and financial prudence, they choose to be in denial, unwilling to make hard decisions and necessary adjustments. Perhaps, they are still expecting God for that miracle, to walk on water. 

Looking back, the Covid pandemic may have been the dry-run for what is coming, a first shaking before the next big one. 

I am thankful that we did not get caught up with chasing the dizzying heights of church movements and expansion, mindful to do everything only within the measure of grace given us. For years we were warned that time is of the essence - to return to live wisely, to strengthen our bodies and souls and to fortify our defences for our family and homes. We took stock and stocked up, tightened and strengthened our community in the cities God has planted - so that we may be “artios” when the day of evil comes. 


Artios”! Fitted, complete, adequate and equipped for the coming year!

For that, I am thankful and I feel rather assured for our members.

So, the question for you is this: 
“Are you “artios” yet?”

If you are not, then perhaps it’s time to make that final dash before everything you hold on so dearly to starts to drift away and you find your home and yourself sinking…


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