What Shall the Righteous Do (7): Be a Blessing

5 June 2024

Extracted from this post on 22 December, 2022, after we returned from our retreat in Northern Thailand. 


... I saw a vision of an elephant standing on a little raft, floating on water. In the open seas. So precarious, I thought.


Then V said: 
“大笨象 (which means “the Dumb/Stupid Elephant). What does the elephant learn? Time and time again, incapable of self-discipline over money, yet would not relinquish control. Old habits.”

Then He pointed me to this verse in Chinese in Proverbs 21:25-26 
懒惰人的心愿将他杀害, 因为他手不肯做工. 
有终日贪得无餍的; 义人施舍而不吝惜. 
The craving of a sluggard will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work.
All day long he craves for more, but the righteous give without sparing.”

The last verse caught my attention. Indeed, the lazy and greedy expect and ask for more and more from God and from others, taking everything for granted. But the righteous give generously, without expectations and without hesitation. 

Some of you may remember God telling me many years ago: 
"In the day of trouble, ten men will hold on to a Christian, begging, “Please help me!”” 

This reminded me of what my late eldest sister related to us years ago - how my father sheltered and provided for two families of four adults and six children throughout World War 2. It must have been a time of great strain for him and my mother but hearing it made me so proud to be their daughter. 

It is truly more blessed to give than to receive. 
And this blessing flows down to the next generation too.

Sadly, some Christians I know care only about themselves, choosing to live very self-absorbed lives. While some, with their heads in the clouds, are unwilling to face the reality of their present situation and the future. Disregarding sound advice to do what is financially prudent, they rather cling on to their sinking boat, even attacking those who are trying to help them.

However, on this trip to China, I was so touched when Jing Jing and her widowed mother offered to accommodate in their tiny flat a needy and depressed member who has suffered untold tragedy and loss. They have in recent years experienced loss, betrayal and injustice themselves, only managing to find healing and strength when they returned to worshipping God. Heeding the counsel given them, they slowly got back on their feet financially. 

Indeed, I have found in the past the kindest and most generous from those with a lot less than others who have a lot more.

I am also gratified that while many are facing a hard time in China, the community, rich and poor, has been a source of great encouragement and help to the less fortunate.

These, as the word says, are the righteous ones of God who gave sparingly of themselves.  

So, let me pose this question to you: 
When the day of reckoning comes, 
Do you want to be the ones begging for help? 
Or are you going to be the one giving sparingly?


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