What Shall the Righteous Do (6): Abide and Trust

5 June 2024

In the last post I wrote about what two members shared about the mouth – a whirlpool trap and a very diabolical image of many mouths. Incidentally, Kelly also shared her insight of two mouths when we met in Andermatt, Switzerland on 5 Nov 2021: 

The Echo 2 Down 5 to Go 

We have experienced on this trip to China how deadly words can be, and how easily they get echoed/transmitted. How much more than when it is amplified through digital technology at the global level! 

The Bible says there is power in our spoken words – the tongue has the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21) and in James 3, its potential for evil and great destruction. But we can also use our mouths to douse fiery flames and to save – a Rhema prayer, a kind word, a calming voice, a timely word of wisdom and of course, words of truth. 

Truth, unfortunately, I had said before, is in great scarcity today. 
So, where do I get my truth? 

From the Lord of course!

John 8:31-32 (English Standard Version) 

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

When angry voices and noise drown out truth, I turn to the Lord and wait quietly. I abide in Him, which I learned years ago, is to just hang on to Him, helplessly, speechlessly, patiently, totally dependent on Him for sustenance.

Then He softly tells me the truth and I know exactly what I have to do, or not to do. 

Today, as I say my goodbyes to Kelly before she leaves for the airport after a long 35-day trip away from home, she says that I summarised for her in one word what she has learned on this trip – Trust. 

So true, so many people have trust issues. But I am glad that I have walked back from the gates of hell with the Lord, broken enough to be able to put my trust in Him. For each time when I mess up, His grace has always been sufficient, empowering me to pick myself up to go through yet another round of bending and breaking. And learning.

So Lord, 
When troubles come, 
When the earth shakes, 
And the foundations are broken, 
What can the righteous do?

Once again, I will abide in You. 
Pressing in to hear your Voice, 
I do what You tell me to do. 
And after all of that is done,  
To simply put my trust in You.  


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