What Shall the Righteous Do (5): A War of Words

5 June 2024

Continuing with this series, I go back to the post on Nov 12, 2022 and extract what some of the members saw and shared:


YY shared the picture of a tunnel of many mouths which is like a whirlpool which sucks in.

But it can also release. Only the cross and the blood can stop it.

Creepy Mouths 
Right after she posted this, a young lady from China, Jing Jing, responded: “How intriguing, I just saw this picture on the internet.”


I replied: 好多回 [so many 回] inside but it looks dark and creepy 😰. But interesting that it is so similar to YY’s sketch.

YY felt led to read up Isaiah 55:7 calling the wicked to return to the Lord: 
"Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon.” Isaiah 55:7 NKJV 

YY noticed that the time was 10:10 and there was a key attached to a chain. She felt it was talking about John 10:10: 
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 NKJV

This past year, condemnation of the bombing of Gaza by Israel is in every news media daily and is met with violent protests not just from the Middle East but all over the world. Very concerning are the angry voices and violent protests coming from colleges and universities in many parts of the world. It has the potential to develop into a full-blown, global, racial and religious war. Meanwhile, in the US, Donald Trump’s felony conviction raised a ruckus amongst his supporters, months before the US elects a new president. 

The rest of 2024 is going to be very noisy for sure. 

The time 10:10 to me is like it is the perfect timing - the time of evil is ripe. The devil has come to steal, kill or destroy. Using words. It is a war of dark and treacherous words. We really need to be careful with what we hear or read so that we don’t get sucked into this evil whirlpool. 

Thank you, God, that when things get too complicated and distressing, we can take cover under the cross and the blood, and find the peace that only the Lamb of God can give. 


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