The 4 Disciplines (Part 2): The Men are Not OK: BRINGING UP SARA 1.5

circa 2015 - 2019

I found out personally how easily one can be sucked into phone and internet addiction. Once, I got hooked onto a word game on my smartphone to kill time and the Holy Spirit showed me that I have allowed my time and my life to be literally killed by it. It left me more frustrated and tired from sleep deprivation as I could not stop, even though the game was supposed to provide me a reprieve from the daily stress.

I thank God for the spiritual disciplines learnt, otherwise I fear that even I may not be able to extricate myself from the web spun by the spirit of Babylon. What more for my children and in future, their children.


The Men are not OK

Years ago, there was a movie called “The Kids Are Alright”. I didn't even know what the movie was about but the Holy Spirit said to me “The kids are alright but the men are not OK.” 

I feel that this was a pre-warning or a premonition that we will see more men ensnared by the internet

More and more, I sense a spirit of boredom and numbness within the souls of men. There is much more fear, rage, extreme behavior and loss of self-control – online or offline. And it cuts across all sectors and men of all ages, social standing or education.




I fear we are losing a whole generation of fathers, brothers and sons to the seduction of Babylon.


Spiritual Discipline

Just as a healthy body requires discipline with food, exercise and rest to build up and maintain, a healthy spirit requires the same spiritual discipline. 

In times like this, nothing is more important to me than to hear the Voice of God, which has led me for most part of my Christian life and taught me how to fight some very difficult battles. But today’s battles are not getting any easier. 

Still, I count myself fortunate to have the Lord’s protection, guidance and wisdom along the way. And of course, His discipline. 

The Bible says this in Proverbs 12:1, New Living Translation (NLT):

            “To learn, you must love discipline;

               it is stupid to hate correction.”

Like my daughter, I am so very thankful for the discipline of God in my life. 



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