2023: A Summary

5 January 2023

To close this series of posts, let me attempt to summarise what God has shown us about the year 2023 (relevant posts in brackets).

  1. 2023 is the Mid-point of the 7-year anointing amid three war periods. The first two have passed and we are going to enter into a third 3-year war soon (2023:The Letter M and the Mother of All Wars).  
  2.  In YY’s vision of the tunnel of many mouths, V tells us about a coming turmoil that will suck everything in. I feel that God is urging those who have been foolish, vain and arrogant to repent and to return, men in particular, especially men of God (The Demise of Men).

The verse given to YY was:

“Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon”. Isaiah 55:7 NKJV

  1.  Watch over our mouths (The War over the Mouth)

God is echoing his warning once again, to watch our mouths, against consumerism, against Mammon and the seduction of Babylon’s beautiful offerings (The Robbery of our Breath). To humble oneself and repent of words or actions that have displeased or enraged God. To be wise with our spending and to store up (Don’t be a Dumb Elephant).

  1.  Beware the dark and creepy mouths

Grace saw a picture with many mouths (2023: The War Over The Mouth), which I thought looked like a series of dark and evil doors. The clock shows 10:10 which is a sign of perfection. I sense that the devil is bringing his darkness to perfection and these doors will close. I heard these 3 Chinese words as I reviewed these notes during my silent fast: 回不了: “unable to return.” A time is coming where it may be too late to return (The Unquenchable Fire). 

  1.  God’s Perfect Plan

But I know God always have the final say and I hear John 10:10 echo in my spirit:

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. 

I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”  (NKJV)

We will find treasures and mark milestones as we get through this year with childlike faith and joy, and help men who have lost Christ in their heart along the way (the Path of Glory).

God’s “M”: Missile Defence System; the 111 (One Voice, One Sound and One Sign):

     1. As we follow that One Voice,

     2. Worship and praise God in One Sound and

     3. Pray in One Spirit

We will take hold of the key to unlock the evil doors that have kept people captive (The Key).

- Together with the great men and women of God, past and present, we will lead others into righteousness and bring them to meet Jesus at the gate, into a place of safety and abundance (The Multitude of Stars).

- Everything will result in His name being glorified (2023: The Year of His Glory).


As for the members of COBS:

We shall praise you, O Lord my God, with all of our heart;

We will glorify your name forever (Psalms 86:12)

(2023: The Year of Your Glory).

This concludes this series of words we have individually and collectively received from the Lord for the year 2023. 

In the next post, I continue with the series from “Bringing Up Sara”, which interestingly, includes a huge section on Money. This, I thought, is rather appropriate and timely now that God has shown us that the intense warfare has been and will again be against Mammon and Babylon, which has to do with money and temptations of the world.


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