Our Podcast

Welcome to the Community of Broken Spirit Podcast.
Each season we hope to share more stories of our members - how we were led onto a journey of being broken by God, which He revealed was the key to receiving His dunamis power. And how this power helped us to grasp His incredible love for us and taught us how to live with complete freedom and joy. It has been an amazing journey!
We hope these stories will inspire you and others to know God personally and to walk with the Lord for the rest of your life.
Season 9 金錢的主題
Season 8 Asha's Story第八季Sara的故事
Season 7 第七季聆听神的声音
4D是指四项修炼。在我们的网站上,会员可以看到整个教学内容在录制的视频上。在这个播客中,我将分享4D中的第一个D--"聆听上帝的声音", 這些內容是从视频记录中所摘录的。
Season 6 Hearing the Voice of God
Welcome to Season 6 of our podcast: Hearing the Voice of God.
About 10 years ago, Sara taught this lesson called the 4D for COBS members.
4D stands for the Four Disciplines. The entire teaching recorded on video is available for members on our website. For this podcast season, Sara will share the first of the 4Ds - “Hearing the Voice of God”- extracted mostly from video recordings.
Season 5 第五季这是关于社区群體
Season 4 It's About Community
Hello everyone,
Today's content is the beginning of the fourth season of our podcast.
It is a story about how God called Sara to start the Community of Broken Spirit. There are eight episodes in this season.
In the first episode, Sara shares with us how she was led to leave the untenable comfort zone of church life and to discover a refreshingly exuberant life with the Lord Jesus, spirit-filled and empowered, outside of the church, beyond church walls.
Now let us listen to the story of the founding of the Community of Broken Spirit.
Season 3 She Has a Date with Jesus 第三季她和耶穌有個約會
今天是我們播客第3季的開始. 如果您還沒有聽過第一季和第二季爱舍與之玮的故事 您真是錯過了很多精彩的故事喔. 不過沒有關係您可以隨時選取第一季從頭開始聆聽.
在第三季裡面總共有七集 是敘述上帝藉由聖靈傳達他的意象和未來的事情給Sara 還有其他破碎靈成員的故事. 所以我們稱為這一季叫做她和耶穌有個約會.
Season 2 Zhiwei's Story 第二季之玮的故事
在上一季我們聽到爱舍如何從一個無神論者經過生活上婚姻上事業上的挫折然後奇妙的認識一個和和上帝喝咖啡的人, 從此改變了她的一生.
這一季是有關爱舍的兒子之玮的故事-總共有七集。 你會聽到上帝如何的愛和供應之玮和爱舍這一對生活在異地他鄉的母子. 不管是在生活上經濟上學業上的需求。 天父照顧他們面面俱到。
先跟你賣個關子: 如果您也是為人父母, 我相信你會了解這句話深刻的寓意: 爱舍說今天之玮不是一个克星,他成为了一个祝福。
Season 1 Asha's Story第一季爱舍的故事
它是關於我們破碎靈社區的成員之一爱舍的故事.這一季爱舍的故事呢有五集.整個故事是有關於愛舍如何從一個無神論者經過生活上, 婚姻上,事業上的失敗, 然後奇妙的認識了一個和上帝喝咖啡的人-
從此改變了她和上帝的關係還有她對上帝的認識. 在此過程中也救了她和她的孩子以及許多陪讀媽媽和她們的孩子們. 現在就讓我們聽聽愛舍的故事.